From the album Cataclysms And Beginnings

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Nazis from old wars

Brought to US soil

Scientists now exempt

Project paperclip

Work done underground

Lost civilians found

Hosts for horrific tests

All mortals of the flesh

DNA modified

Projects classified

Scalpel is my guide

Eugenics bastardized

Species mixed and matched

Human fetus hatched

From donors unwilling

Abduction must proceed
Ascension to great heights

From subdural depths

Human hybrid forms

Grotesque species born

Cut open in the name of science

Your body now my art

Your eggs to be matched with a reptiles

For soldiers without heart

Clandestine laboratories founded

Unbridled Malevolence

The need of human beings knowledge
Preceeds the wealth of life

New genus brought to life

From hands of the knife

New age Gods in men

Forgotten master plan