Yes, the time has finally come for the thrilling conclusion of our In-Studio Video Blog series!
Despite how quiet it's been around here, we've all been hard at work putting the finishing touches on our upcoming album, and that of course means laying down lead guitars and vocal tracks! Follow along in the process with us, and hopefully have a few chuckles along the way.
Now that the tracking grunt work is done, we're down to the final stages in preparing this new album for you! Make sure you keep an eye on this page for updates and news about release dates, presales, and all the other exciting details. Or better yet, join our mailing list and be the first to get all the news! And maybe even some exclusive goodies along the way.
So, thanks again for joining us in this journey, we're looking forward to getting this album out and getting back on the road to see everyone again! 2015 is about to be crushed!